Jackie Brady
A coach helps you clearly see who God made you to be, eliminating shame and blame and providing insights for growth and fulfillment. Seeing yourself and others through this lens is the beginning of an amazing journey into strong, loving relationships.
As a wife, mother, foster mom, grandma, pastor, teacher and leader I have come to realize the importance of healthy relationships – with the Father, the family, the community, the church. There is nothing that makes life richer than a healthy relationship and nothing that makes it more miserable than unhealthy ones. With the tool of the Enneagram, I help others see how they were created to reflect God by unveiling the masterpiece God made you to be.
When I am not coaching I enjoy sketching and painting, spending time with my husband of over 4 decades, time with family, mentoring, and learning as much as my mind can absorb.
Couple, Retreat, Workshop, Individual
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Bachelors in Transformational Christian Ministry
Warner Southern University
Ordained Minister
Church of God, Anderson
Servant Leadership Certification
Institute for Servant Leadership