
Are you ready to stop allowing circumstances to dictate your life? Are you feeling lost, stuck, or like you do not even know who you are anymore? It’s time to stop doing what the world says you “should” be doing and design and live a PURPOSE-ALIGNED Life and Business!

Our time is too precious to continue to not step into our God-given dreams and calling.

Tami Imlay is the owner and managing director of Tami Marie Coaching and Host of “The Full Weight of Joy” Podcast. She is a an International Women’s Achievement Coach.  Guiding women to design and launch a life AND business that aligns with their dreams and the strengths God has given them.

Tami is an Air Force Veteran and worked as a Communications Officer and Project Manager. While in the Air Force she earned her MBA. She got out of the Air Force to support her husband and family as he continued his Air Force career as an F-15E Fighter Pilot. After he lost his life in 2012 while deployed, Tami had some difficult choices to make.

Finding herself heartbroken and yet determined that there is purpose in all pain, she earned a Masters in Science for Marriage, Family, and Child Therapy and became a Marriage and Family Therapist. She worked for the Vacaville Police Department as a Middle and High School Therapist supporting the students and their families. She also worked for Agape Counseling Center with adults and children. As she worked as a therapist, Tami knew she was close to her calling but not quite there. She could see that healing and therapy are critical, but she found her passion in coaching. Helping people overcome their circumstances, see opportunities within their stories, and find hope in the future to experience the Full Weight of Joy, fulfillment, and impact for the Kingdom.

Using the Enneagram to help people identify their fears, Tami took “knowledge is power” to another level as she guides people to make the choice changes in their life that allow for transformation, restoration, confidence, and life changes, enabling individuals to step boldly into their future. Blending her knowledge and experience as a therapist, project management and leadership in the Air Force, and her passion for changing the future, she has stepped into her God-given purpose as a Purpose Coach, Joy Cultivator, and Confidence Catalyst. She is the creator of Purpose-Aligned Business and Purpose-Aligned Life Frameworks, a proven method to move your spirit from managing life to genuinely experiencing it. Tami believes that every person has a purpose, calling, and mission, and when you encounter trials and hardships, they don’t have to stay the center of your life. Your life does not have to be defined by the things you go through, but really, what defines you is what you grow through.

Tami is the sole parent to two amazing kids (who are not so little anymore at 14 and 16); they are her inspiration and her WHY. Raising grieving children is not easy—especially when you are grieving yourself. The lessons she has learned on the journey are forever impacting her life and those around her. Tami and her kids currently live in Tulsa, OK. They love to travel, play sports, and experience new adventures. She wants her kids to know that no matter what happens, joy is present. No matter what life throws at you, God will never leave you or forsake you and He uses everything for good.


A famous person once said, “If you want to change your life, you must do the work that will facilitate that change.” In my case, I had no idea where to start to affect change in my life. My decision-making skills needed help. My relationships with others and how I navigate life in general, have been unclear and often misdirected. The “work” that Tami and I have begun includes Enneagram Coaching which has given me the starting point to begin the “work.” We are in the beginning stages of this process and through Tami’s coaching, I have a better understanding of my actions, thoughts, and behaviors and why I often react in ways contrary to my core beliefs. Tami is coaching/instructing me so that I may go about the process of “doing the work”. I look forward to our continued coaching relationship and most importantly, I look forward to the changes and improvement to my quality of life.
Pat R. (Type 6)

Before my coaching sessions with Tami, I was embarrassed of who God created me to be. On the Enneagram, I am (what I’ve always considered to be) one of the harder numbers. I have actively worked to hide all of those unique features or gifts out of fear or doubt. In just a few short sessions, she was able to help me see that who God created me to be is GOOD! She helped me discover why I react to things the way that I do and gave me coping skills to work through different situations. I am really looking forward to continuing to work with her so I can grow in all areas of my life!
Courtney K. (Type 8)

I reached out to Tami because I felt stuck. Through diving into the Enneagram, we were able to see so much of how God wired me. From there, we were able to form healthy, life-giving habits. She kept me focused on moving forward and dreaming again!! Through time I awakened to the beauty woven throughout my story and I am able to see life in a new and fresh way!​ “You are worth the life you have always wanted and you are undeniably capable of achieving it. Let Tami help you discover what it looks like”
Joy C. (Type 7)

If you need a guide on your path to self-discovery, Tami is the one for you. She is there for you. She helps give you the tools to really work it out as long as you apply them and keep applying them, it truly works. I was hesitant, wondering if I really needed a life coach, but I really needed some guidance on figuring out how to get back on track in life after the death of my husband and when my children moved out of the house to go off to college and then after the passing of my dog. I am glad I reached out to Tami. She listens to you and mentors you on how to rewire your brain into being more positive. Tami enjoys helping you along your travels into bettering yourself. She gives you excellent guidelines on how to change your perception on rewiring your brain to become a better you. And they are easy steps to follow as long as you are consistent with it every day. Tami has been very helpful on my journey and I am very grateful to her for showing me the way to bettering myself.
Rexann R. (Type 6)

Hybrid, Virtual, In-Person
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Master NeuroCoach Instructor
Marriage and Family Therapist
USAF Veteran
Certified Business Made Simple Coach
Clifton Strengths Finder Certified Champion