
Stretching and expanding your thinking, feeling and doing from where you are now to where you want to go next!

Are you feeling stuck, frustrated, or just want a little help moving from where you are now to living with more purpose? I’ve been there and I’m here to help. The enneagram has been a useful tool that helped me find clarity about what was holding me back and coaching has helped me take the next steps. In early 2020, during our global pandemic, I found the courage to launch a coaching business called Rubberband Creations. This name started because of a funny story and the connection to my last name but it now represents the new creation we each become when we willingly surrender to the stretching work of the Holy Spirit to renew our mind and help us break free from our old harmful patterns of thinking, feeling, and doing. We don’t have to stay stuck. We can be more than the lies we tell ourselves.

So, are you ready to be stretched? Are you ready to do that thing you always wanted to do? Partner with me to expand your possibilities.

Schedule a free consultation now.

Testimonies & Endorsements

“I signed up for Rubberband Creations coaching hoping to improve how I handled hard life situations. Suzanne has a calm and compassionate approach which truly connected me to my faith and inspired me to lead people in my life. Thanks to Suzanne, I now have a new improved outlook on fear, trust, and leadership that is propelling me forward every day.” Wendy (Type 2)


“My experience with the enneagram was a very impactful and enlightening experience in my life.  I learned so much about myself in a nurturing atmosphere where I felt safe to be vulnerable.  Through Suzanne’s leadership and coaching skills, I felt lovingly challenged to come face-to-face with some of my fears, desires, weaknesses, and personal longings that I didn’t even realize were there.  This was an incredible freeing experience for me and one that I would recommend to anyone who truly wants to break free from any personal bondages (that you may or may not be aware of) so you can walk in God’s wholeness and fulfill the plans and purposes that He has for your life.  Thank you, Suzanne, for walking by my side and guiding me through this life changing experience!” Cherie, type 9


“I started this process not knowing anything about the Enneagram. Through questions and scenarios, Suzanne helped me realize my main type, along with my core motivations. Through Suzanne’s gentle nudging and guidance, I was able to dig deeper and face many issues that I was avoiding. The biggest gain for me was to assess what I was doing within my church. Some of things I thought I was doing for God, was really for me and not coming from Him. Now I understand I need to step back, pray and ask if it is really where God wants me.  It has helped me realize that I need to be God centered and His will should be my purpose.” Kathy, type 2 


“Suzanne, is not only passionate about building purposeful and competent teams, she’s great at it. While serving at Ashland First UMC, Suzanne was instrumental in creating a culture of mission focused, functionally clear-eyed, strategic teams that together helped us form individual disciples and move an aging congregation toward renewed growth and mission effectiveness. RBC is a gift to local churches looking for solid coaching in team-based ministry and mission fulfillment.”  Rev. Dr. Dan Bilkert

Virtual, Hybrid, In-Person
Group, Workshop, Retreat
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Certified Enneagram Coach
Your Enneagram Coach
Certified and Endorsed EIP Coach (Enneagram Internal Profile)
Your Enneagram Coach
Masters Degree in Children and Family Ministry
Bethel Seminary
Trained ICF Coach (International Coaching Federation)
CAST (Coach Approach Skill Training)
Enneagram For Parenting Endorsement
Your Enneagram Coach