Stefanie Shaughnessy
Prepare to see yourself, your problems, and the way you live your life from a new perspective. By developing self-awareness we keep from being swept away by external pressures and can start living from a place of inner-leadership.
Hey there! Thanks for taking time to read a little bit about me!
I’m a Detroit, Michigan native who’s been a Florida resident since 1998. The “Mitten” will always be the place I call home.
I worked in law enforcement from 2000-2014. I started as a police/fire dispatcher while I attended the police academy. I was sworn in as an officer three months to the day after September 11th. A day I will never forget and I’m incredibly grateful the introduction into my law enforcement career was during that time.
Throughout my years in Law Enforcement, I served as an Officer, Field Training Officer, Detective, Instructor, Hostage Negotiator, Public Information Officer, and Team Leader of a Critical Incident Stress Management Team.
Big life changes happened after I gave birth to my son in 2012. I decided to resign in 2014. I was pushing 40 and found myself reevaluating everything in my life. My stress and gut health struggles led me into an accidental business with Plexus Worldwide (Gut Health Company) that same year. Today I lead a team of thousands of men and women as a Plexus 3 Star Diamond Brand Ambassador.
Studying the Enneagram and becoming a certified Enneagram Coach has been instrumental to my success in business and working with teams. I wish I would’ve had knowledge of the Enneagram when I worked in law enforcement!
My Bachelors degree is in Business Management and Human Resources.
My time in law enforcement and personal experience of friends and family members who struggle with mental health issues inspired me to start volunteering with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) in 2007. Today I serve as the Secretary of the North Florida Chapter of the AFSP. This is a cause I believe in so much. I’ve always said, if suicides were depicted in the media as homicides are, there would be a national outcry to do more for our nation’s mental health.
I’m married to a Law Enforcement Officer. I’m blessed to call myself a stepmom to a 27 year old stepson, who is also a law enforcement officer. My husband and I have a nine year old son (Liam) and a Golden Retriever puppy (Oliver) who feels like a second child of ours, if I’m being honest.
*Discount available 24/7 for all military, law enforcement and their spouses*
While being coached by Stefanie, she opened my eyes to the root cause of how I respond to people and events in my life. Since working with her, I have an increased understanding of myself and others. The knowledge she instilled in me has helped me be more compassionate, more open-minded, and more successful in my business. Now I know that I can work or befriend anyone, with a deeper understanding of how to directly support and teach them. -Sammi, Type 3
Virtual, In-Person
Group, Couple, Retreat, Workshop
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Certified Intuitive Life Coach
Atmana Academy