Robin Madson
“And you will know the TRUTH and the truth shall set you FREE!” John 8:32. MY PASSION is to help others experience freedom by embracing truth about themselves through the lens of the enneagram, and the Gospel truth of Jesus.
MY WHY… I believe individuals, families and our world are hurting and broken and I want to be part of the healing that God promises in His Word (Isaiah 57:18-19). I believe God has brought me to this place in my search for truth, freedom, and healing for “such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). For over 20 years I have been searching to understand me: why I feel the way I do; why I react as I do; and why I behave as I do. I have taken, what seems like, hundreds of personality assessments and tests, have read tons of “self-help” books, and searched high and low for just the right “thing” that would bring healing and freedom to my heart and life. Then I learned about the Enneagram and it piqued my interest in ways the other resources didn’t. But when I was introduced to Beth McCord and “Your Enneagram Coach” and learned the truth about my enneagram type through the lens of the Gospel, I knew I had come to a place, designed by God, that could bring truth, freedom, and healing – not only for me but for others. Knowing the TRUTH of the Gospel, that I AM “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), fully known (1 Corinthians 13:12) and unconditionally loved (Jeremiah 31:3) by Jesus, and the truth about my enneagram type, was truly transformational. I am still learning and fully intend to keep on learning. God is still revealing His amazing love for me in His Word, and as I study more about the Enneagram, I am learning, and appreciating, more about who He has created me to be.
MY PROMISE… As your Enneagram Coach, I promise to walk with you toward truth and transformational freedom journey and help you to discover, embrace, and live in the amazing person God has created you to be.
Won’t you join me?” And you will know the TRUTH and the truth shall set you FREE!” John 8:32
When I came to Robin, I was already sure of my number. As a 5, I had done a lot of digging into the enneagram. I had read books, taken classes, participated in an online group, and even led introductory classes on the enneagram. However, I was stuck in the observation stage. I saw my patterns of behavior, especially the unhealthy ones, but I didn’t know how to change them.
I chose Robin as my enneagram coach because of her guiding Bible verse: You will know the truth and the truth will set you free! (John 8:32). I wanted to know the truth and I wanted to be set free but I needed help. Robin has been a gentle, trusted, encouraging guide to me as together we have looked at ways I could grow. She has helped me take steps forward in accepting who I am. She has helped me to value and build upon the positive aspects of being a 5. I have learned to embrace the wisdom God gives me and share that with others. And to also realize that I can rely on others – I don’t have to figure everything out for myself. This is work I could not have done on my own and would not have wanted to do with anyone else. I am so grateful to Robin and highly recommend her as a coach.