
“The Enneagram doesn’t put you in a box it shows you the box you are already in and how to get out of it”.  One of the most effective tools I have found for answering the question, “How God has uniquely wired me” is the Enneagram.  This tool names our unique hurts and habits.  It also reveals our gifts, strengths and abilities.  Each type has a positive and shadow side to it.  As Image Bearers of the Almighty, we are made to be the windows of the Divine.  Yet, as humans we miss the mark over and over again.

Several years ago I was introduced to the Enneagram by my clients who had found some insight from it.  Out of curiosity I began to read several books and attend workshops.  Since then it has changed my view and outlook on myself and every relationship.  It wasn’t a light bulb moment but more like fireworks.

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