Jaken Orten
I’m here to help you find why you are the way that you are by finding your type, figuring out how it works, and getting unstuck to become the person God wants you to be!
Jaken has been working in ministry in some form for a little over 12 years through preaching, teaching, and working primarily with youth and young adults. He first got interested in the enneagram in 2020 in the midst of a major life crisis. Over the course of the years following there was mistyping, reconnecting with people, and getting unstuck from the mess. He knows we all are on a constant path of growth, himself perhaps most of all!
If you want me to be a part of helping you get unstuck from your mess, reach out to me.
Hybrid, Virtual, In-Person
Individual, Group, Workshop
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Certified Enneagram Coach