Heather Woody
As an Enneagram Coach, I am here to guide you on your personal journey of discovering more about who you are and who God created you to be. We will explore ways to grow personally and in relationships with those around you.
My Enneagram journey started several years ago when I took an assessment test through my church. I slowly began to do some more research about the Enneagram when friends around me began talking more about it. I read books, listened to podcasts and took a couple of classes. Then I discovered the Your Enneagram Coach course with Beth McCord and everything began to come together. Her program to become a Certified Enneagram Coach was the next right step to me. I received my coaching certification and having been sharing more about my love of the Enneagram with those around me ever since. As a type 2, relationships are my passion so I love hearing people’s stories and coaching them to learn more about they can use this tool for growth and freedom.
I grew up in Oregon and have a large extended family here. At the age of 30, I moved to Tennessee for ten years to work with a tour company. I am grateful to be back in my home state of Oregon once again with family and friends. Through my careers in the tour company and in Bookkeeping, I have learned to interact with a variety of people and enjoy getting to know each one and watch them grow. I love spending time outdoors in nature and enjoy kayaking on many of our beautiful lakes. Travel is another great love of mine. I have traveled to many of the states, as well as Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Cambodia, and The Philippines to name a few places.
I am available for coaching on Zoom or in-person. I look forward to the opportunity to chat with you soon and help you as you explore your own journey with the Enneagram.
I have known Heather for several years. She has a unique way with people. She is calm, patient, and non-judgemental. Her desire to help you grow and become a better person make her a great coach. She is very qualified and I highly recommend her. Terry, Type 7