
Integrating the Enneagram and IFS (Internal Family Systems therapy) to help you rediscover – and rebuild – your truest self from the inside out!

After years of sitting in both the seat of the client and the seat of a trauma-informed coach/practitioner – there are a few things I know to be true based on experience:

  1. To go against parts of you that are screaming for your attention is like trying to ignore a sweet toddler who just desperately needs your focused attention and TLC (tender loving care). A lot of time and energy is wasted while we ignore and devalue ourselves and what we feel.
  2. To keep talking about the problem (trauma, relational wound/issue, etc) keeps the problem alive. At some point, we have to stop rehearsing the problem, interrupt our habitual patterns of coping, and shift our focus on what is going right (right now). It’s at that point we can get off the hamster wheel and build from there.
  3. Talk therapy alone will take us so far-  and then we have to do something different. We have to adopt a whole-being integrated approach that has the power to shift our nervous system, creating room to breathe, that eventually gives us the space and capacity to lead ourselves to breakthrough and transformation.

The bedrock of freedom and total transformation is found in realizing your worth and belonging, your ability to love and be loved, and your capacity to find safety and security in who you are. The Enneagram creates a clear path to discover all three and help you rediscover YOU!


My Enneagram Testimony:

Through years of trauma therapy as well as getting certified as a PSAP and IFS Practitioner, I have found the Enneagram to be the tool that has pulled it all together. Discovering not only where my pitfalls are – but also my strengths – has been a game changer. We go to therapy for healing. And it helps. And during or after therapy, we can still feel stuck. We can get lost as we go into the deeper parts of ourselves – but it is there where we find keys to unlock our freedom and transformation and rediscover who we really are underneath all the layers. The Enneagram has been the missing piece in my healing journey. It’s a tool I have used (and still use) as a type of scaffolding to help organize my healing process and climb out of a very deep dark trench I was stuck in for years.

My heart is to use all the tools I have learned and integrated into my journey to help my clients find the freedom and transformation they deserve and so desperately need. ♥️

Virtual, Hybrid, In-Person
Individual , Group, Couple, Corporate , Retreat, Workshop
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


2024 Certified Enneagram Coach
Your Enneagram Coach
2022 IFS Practitioner (Internal Family Systems)
IFS Institute

IFS is a constraint-release therapy model where we befriend parts of ourselves that took on protective roles and unburden parts of ourselves that became wounded. In doing so, we gain more access to our spirit-led selves where true inner healing can take place. This is a process of healing from the inside out and therefore we re-discover true inner freedom

2021 PSAP (Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional)
IITAP - International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals

Healing addiction through healing the shame that drives it. Specializing in healing betrayal trauma. ** Note about sex addiction - this type of addiction is like any other addiction as it comes in many forms from issues around sex/pornography/etc to love addiction, ie the desperate need for affirmation.

2017 Life Coach
Life Breakthrough Academy
1995 B.A. Organizational / Interpersonal Communications
Oral Roberts University