Pastor Gregory Wood


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My mission is to usher Men from Disappointment to Harmony, with love and support, through truth and transparency.

Fully accepted and fully loved by Jesus, without a doubt.

“I am not disappointed in you”. -God

Around 2020 I was watching T.V. with my wife when I heard deep within me the voice of The Father.  He said these words to me, “Greg, I am not disappointed in you.  However, you are disappointed in me!”

When I heard these words, I immediately was going to reply, “that’s not true, I love you”.  Before I could even respond with all those words a flood of disappointments came into full view in my imagination, All the disappointments I was holding onto, secretly, painfully.

This is why my journey back to fully accepted (adopted by God) by Jesus can be your journey too!

On on a mission of The love of God in me, with me and through me to you.

Since 1989 when I was a young man (21 years old) I had a dramatic encounter with Jesus!  I was a mute depressed person, who for months (3 or 4) everyday wanted to kill myself but couldn’t speak, couldn’t express myself.  I was scared of what my dark thoughts were and I couldn’t talk.

I remember one evening as I lay on my bed in the early fall months and was convicted of not living for god the way I knew to.  I remember asking Him to forgive me and cleanse me.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt like I lost a ton of bricks, my physical walk felt lite and free.

After arriving at work, someone said to me you look different, something has changed!

I didn’t say anything because I didn’t know really what had happened.

A few weeks later, while at work, working some overtime, I fell into a trance, where I saw myself preaching and sharing from the Bible behind a glass pulpit.

Since then I have been following this mandate to share the Bible with whoever God sends my way and connects us together.

Perhaps this message I have shared resonates with you.  If it does and you would like me to Coach/Pastor you through the Enneagram to help you go from feeling like an Orphan to experiencing being fully Adopted and Accepted by Love Himself, Jesus will greet you right where you belong.

I’m your Pastor,

Gregory Wood





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