
God created us with a need to connect. It is in the very fiber of our being. When we learn to connect well with God, others and ourselves – it is there that we begin to experience transformation in our relationships.
Hello Beautiful People! I am Andrea, a Relationship Confidence Coach. I work with women and men who are struggling to have happy, healthy relationships. I help them have confidence in who they are and WHOSE they are so that they can enjoy relationships with self, God and others more wholeheartedly.

God created us for connection…not only connection to others, but to Him…AND ourselves as well! As a human, we are faced with so many relationships. Our families, our friends, coworkers….the people we interact with at the grocery store, the customer service reps at the bank….and it goes on and on. Obviously the level of each relationship is on a different layer…but every single one is an opportunity for connection in some way. …and each one can be beautiful … or not so beautiful.

I believe that in order to have healthy relationships with others and an amazingly free relationship with God, we must first do something we have never done before. That’s where Metanoia Whole Life Coaching comes in. Metanoia is an Ancient Greek word meaning “changing ones mind.” We are taking a stand to change our minds and in doing so, we embark on becoming more self aware so that we can become more God and others aware. Romans 12:2 (GNT) says, “Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God – what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect.” When we decide to change our minds, we open ourselves up to true heart transformation…and when our hearts are transformed so are our relationships.

The enneagram is a wonderful place to start changing our minds. We get to see ourselves from a different lens and engage in a journey of transformation in order to thrive in our lives and relationships with confidence.

Together we will D.A.R.E. 2 D.R.E.A.M.
D. Discover
A. Awareness
R. Rewire
E. Empower


D. Decide & Determine
R. Research & Reflection
E. Examine & Explore
A. Action & Adventure
M. Meaning & Meditation

This process will help you become the absolute best version of yourself…the version that God intended for you to be.

Some stuff about me:
– I am a God’s Beloved Daughter.
– I am a mom of 3 boys (currently 24, 22, and almost 21).
– I am a total nerd when it comes to this enneagram, awareness and change thing.
– PLENTY of life experience has brought me to where I am today and I just want to help you through the stuff that I had to go through to find the “me” that God created me to be.. and when I did, I found HIM.
– I am a lifelong learner and the amount of books I read and buy in a year is crazy!
– Coaching is my passion and my purpose and Lord Willing, I will do it for the rest of my life.
– I love to help people realize how amazing God made them to be!

“Coach Andrea has taught me that I am not damaged goods…I am an AMAZING woman whom God loves unconditionally. Andrea has given me hope again by supplying me with the right tools to be the strong, confident and loved woman that God wants and knows I can be.” (D.F.)

“Coach Andrea taught me one of the best lessons: to be curious and not judgemental of myself. And she taught me HOW to do this over time.
The struggles I had didn’t feel monumental, but they stopped me from being the person God calls me to be. We are all ever-growing and changing -Andrea reminded me of this along the way and gave me tools to start shifting my patterns of thinking and behavior. She can help you have a brighter and better life!” (H.S.)

“I began my journey with Andrea four months ago. From the start she ensured me that I would see results but that those results would not come overnight and they would come with dedication and work on my end. She was RIGHT! The tools she gave me to handle the issues I wanted to work on were, at first, something I had to purposely force myself to do. Now, these tools come to me so much more automatically. I have felt more present, happier and content in many areas of my life. This would not have happened without the support and courage Andrea instilled in me. The change has come with my learning to be thankful in all things – my body, my surroundings, my thoughts, and my uniqueness. If I can find the appreciation in a situation/thought/feeling, I can then find the contentment. Andrea will help you and she will be your rock. She’s non-judgmental and accepting of you, whatever you are experiencing.” (Elizabeth O.)
